As college students, we’re exposed to a lot of stress that would put even the strongest people in the hospital. Between continuous paper writing, endless exams, working at least (or most likely: unpaid internship) wage and never ending a job reading, our life, you could argue, is one giant tragedy. Greek or Shakespeare, take your pick. Regardless of this, there will be a flat bloodshed, and there will be a lot of sailing and crying. You might even be taping it. In addition to being the most recycled, students, college students, are fairly stable. We, if you can’t say, is also the most dramatic. Look, we got to do something. If the exaggeration and fall to the land in the dead heap is what it takes to get us through our terrible graphics, then be it … While these events may not be the tragedies of the \””real world\””, these events in college are WORLD-SHATTERING ..
When you spend 17 Years in the Library, Learning Only For On Examination.
You tried to be a good student, and it exploded in your face. I think the answer to this problem is to stop all your research … 2. Checking your Grades .. The Internet typically slows down when you need to check the estimates, ampliating the anxiety you feel in tenfold … Then the website is down because everyone else is trying to do the same … 3. The Deny Hall of Food .. Who knew that you could do so much food in one place that literally has no nutritional value? 4. When your Professor is the Highest and the Low Class in the Class and you have obtained the Low Sorts … You know, it’s just you and the professor who know that you blew up the test, but you feel like everyone in the class looks at you in disappointment …
10 + Page Papers ..
Look, Professor, I know you don’t want to read this document, and I don’t want to write either. Let’ s compromise.6. Incorrect Sylabi .. Yes, you can find a fixed plan online, but it requires. efforts. Why couldn’t your professor catch him or her mistakes before he could get that damn thing?Because all you have to do on campus requires a crash for your clipings …
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Be Primate …
Someone has to keep your friends safe. Or you don’t have the money to get drunk. Maybe it’s a combination of both. It sucks anyway … You’ve been avoiding your laundry for weeks, and a lot in your room is nearly the size of Mt. Everest …
A.M. Registration ..
Like testing your estimates, registration is another case where the website decides that now is the ideal time to take your sweet time to download. You didn’ t just wake up in a bad time, but you need to be pretty awake to remember what classes you’re trying to take next semester … You just want to go back to bed …
Eating for All Day; All Night of Insomnia …
You complain that you’ve been tired all day, planning things that never happen, just to be at 3:00 in the morning. The world is a really cruel place … This is either a spell or a backup with other print orders without a ink or a blank. When your school promised free printing for all the students, they did not include this in the brochure .. As technology becomes better, it gets worse. It’s quite an enigma … In the real world, the gym can be a useful place where you pull out all the toxins and just generally feel well. In college, it’s punishment for keeping a 15-caliber silence.Because in the dining room, there’s a coat of cold coffee that claims to be pumpkin spice, but actually it tastes just like * ss. You drink it anyway, because God knows you can’t go through your math class without it …